
You and your family can stop the spread of COVID-19.
Order your Soap Saves Lives Box today!

Host an At-Home Hygiene Kit Build

Your Soap Saves Lives Box contains life-saving hygiene products that can be assembled and distributed to a local charity, at your church or to a neighbor in need.

Join the fight and support vulnerable people in your community. Click on the buttons below to get started!

deliver impact in your community

The Soap Saves Lives Box program is a meaningful way to serve those in need:

Enjoy a fun and easy way to give back

Here's How it Works

Your Soap Saves Lives Box contains everything you need to assemble your hygiene kits including a variety of products such as soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, 2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner, socks or lotion.  

There are two hygiene kit options available: 50 (small box) or 100 (large box). It takes a family of four about 1 hour to build 100 kits. Once ordered, your Soap Saves Lives Box arrives in 7-10 days. Check out the video to learn more!

1. Choose the number of people participating

2. Order your Soap Saves Lives Box(es)

3. In about a week, your hygiene materials will arrive at your home

4. Choose who you want to help in your local community

5. Gather your household or virtual group

6. Unpack your Soap Saves Lives Box and build your hygiene kits!

7. Pack up your assembled kits and distribute to those in need

8. Celebrate your impact and share your experience on social media! #SoapSavesLivesBox

join the fight to stop the spread of COVID-19! 

Handwashing with soap is the BEST way to stop hygiene-related illnesses from spreading. Millions of individuals globally lack access to soap and other life-saving products. You can help!

Join Clean the World as we distribute over 6 million bars of soap and 100,000 hygiene kits to at-risk communities across the world.  Click below to get started!

If you are a business and want get involved, click here for more information.

want to make aN EVEN bigger impact? Check out our shop. every shirt delivers 1,000 handwashes!

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With Clean the World.